
live life positively


About Me

About Me


To My Blog

I’m Leslie and I’m so happy you are visiting me! I love looking at the positive side of life and my goal is to share a community with like-minded people.

A team of posi’LIVE’rs that help lift each other up with positive messages.  I’d love us to share tips and tricks that make life easier. Discover and share books, products, and experiences that enhance our lives. Encourage and support each other in this crazy busy life we lead so we get the most out of each day.

I am a mother of 2 amazing kiddos and one black lab. My daughter Gillian is 13 and loves to read, is a remarkable strategist, especially when playing board games or cards. You definitely want her on your team! She is a gentle soul who truly cares about others but, can also kick ass as she is already a red belt in karate. My son James is 10 and full of energy and is effortlessly coordinated.  He does headstands while I read him books. James has a truly curious mind, loves helping me, his Dad, and his Grand-Parents, and loves all things tech. He has his room set up with so much smart technology, I sometimes can’t even turn off his light. 

Our dog Gin-e loves to cuddle, refuses to lay on her dog bed, but loves the couch and my bed. She loves to walk in the woods but although she is technically a retriever, she just watches a ball being thrown. She will not ‘retrieve’ anything.

On top of spending time with my kids, I have always had a passion for traveling, breakfast any time of the day, anything chocolate, and comfortable but stylish clothes. I love looking at real estate and home design, doing my part to take care of the environment, reading an amazing book curled up in front of a fire, spending time with family and friends, and enjoying a good craft beer, wine, or tequila with friends.
I want to share what I have learned so far about positive living and learn from others. If I can provide a safe and positive place that inspires and makes someone’s day a little better, than mission accomplished.